It's Monday! Time to get back in the routine! It's Lizzy's last week of school so we have a fun week ahead--but not as fun as our weekend was!

Friday was Play Day at school for Lizzy.

This means cake decorating, dancing, tattoos, snow cones, moon walk, bubbles, gym time and lots of fun!
We met Daddy for lunch after play day then ran home to get ready to go to the beach as soon as we could.

We picked Jay up a little early and headed south.
We went out for dinner since we knew this would be a quick trip.
Saturday morning we got up and at 'em and the kids and I went to the Foley Art Festival.

We looked around and got a snack, made a wish in the fountain.

Then rode the little train on the longest ride ever! (I don't have a pic bc we were squeezed in so tight.) ((wouldn't you know this ride were were squeezed like sardines and it was 20 minutes!))

The kids made crafts and asked to go to the model train museum again and they loved it. Lizzy said it was her favorite part.

I picked up two hanging planters while we were there. (Happy Mother's Day to me!) I can't decide whether to hang them at new house (Birmingham) or our beach house--so they rose back with us til I decide.

We then went to Stacey's Rexall Drugs for lunch at their old fashioned soda fountain. It's always so good and so fun to eat there in downtown Foley.

We came home to chill for a while then headed out to the Gulf Coast Hot Air Balloon Festival with Dad.

It. Was. Awesome.

We made it in time for the trick dog show (which was Lizzy's favorite part), then over to the balloons to prep for the mass Ascension (which didn't happen) (but was still so cool and mine and Joseph's favorite part), then to the midway to ride a couple of rides (Jay's favorite part) and get some fair food for the kids.

It was amazing being up close to all of the balloons!! Once they were inflated they were lighting the blowers all around us. It was bright and unbelievable and a little hot!!

Jay and I rode The Scrambler and bumper cars. This was his first time for rides and he LOVED EVERY SECOND.

We went out for breakfast on Mother's Day. This year I got the sweetest cards and gifts.
Lizzy made me this precious vase.

And Jay made a beautiful set of coasters!

We also welcomed another mother in our family over the weekend. One of the hens we gave Joseph's mom for her birthday has been sitting on some eggs and Sunday morning we got this picture!

Happy Mother's Day indeed!
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