My oh my.
I knew this would be tasty before I actually made it.
But then I actually made it. And the house smelled so good, and the food looked so yummy, and the family was all "feed us right now!"
And we gobbled it all up before I took a picture!!
So, I made it again today and took a picture before anyone got near the table!

I hope you'll love this as much as our family did! It's allllll the deliciousness of fried chicken AND ITS WHOLE 30 COMPLIANT!
You're welcome!
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 eggs well beaten
3/4 cup pecan meal (which translates to pulverized pecans)
4 Tbsp ghee
Salt and pepper
Place skillet over medium heat and melt ghee.Place eggs in a bowl and beat, spread pecan meal in a pie plate or dinner plate. Dredge your chicken in the egg then into the pecan meal to coat both sides. Brown the chicken over medium heat, 8-10 minutes per side. Turning the heat up too high will scorch the pecans so keep it to medium/medium-high and everything will be just fine.
You guys, I would eat this any old time Whole30 or not. You'll love it and won't feel like you're deprived or missing out on anything.
Except maybe grandmommy's biscuits, but I can't do a darn thing about that.
Here's the pecan meal I use.

It's from the pecan holy-land since we pass it just about every weekend on our way to the beach this time of year.
If you aren't passing by Priester's just get yourself some pecan halves or pieces and give the a whirl in the food processor.
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