Saturday, June 22, 2013

Quickly, really

It late and I'm in the midst of knocking out a few more must-do to-do's tonight but wanted to take a break to browse the blogs  post a few quick things before we get into a very busy week ahead. 

I'm driving to our halfway stop in the morning with the kiddos to meet Charles and Mimi for a bit and pick up Kelsey to bring her for a visit this week while CJ and Karla sleep in a tent at Boy Scout Camp. We have a fun few days planned here, then the kids and I will head to Nashville at the end of the week to deliver Kelsey and spend a few nights with Mimi.

Then-boom, it's July.

So here are a few updates before the real fun begins--

1. We've all become water junkies and I'm really happy about it. Here's what my water looks like these days....

Lemon, strawberries and blueberries. Jay takes his the same way. Roll Tide.

2. I am really looking forward to our Sunday Supper this week for a couple of reasons-
    a. Kelsey will be here
    b. I am using a great recipe from my favorite cookbook
    c. I found a new dessert to try and I am eager to see how it turns out!

3. I've been to the vet a total of 3 times since last Friday. Twice with both kids. Gus is fine but has some very minor eye and ear things requiring drops 3 times a day. We also changed his food and he wasn't consulted first, so he's acting too-good-for-it most days. AND I bathed him today. Just wanted to put that out there. He's a high-maintenance beast these days which was NOT in my summer plan. But, we do love him so!

4. Just in case you were wondering this is what our gorgeous marble island looked like at 10 p.m. on Saturday night. 

(Just to prove that it does not always look as pristine as it does in these pictures.)

5. It seems as if Jay's awesome nap time is slipping away as we approach birthday #3. There have been fits. There have been hour and a half long struggles before he is finally asleep. There have been potty breaks and cups and stories and songs and every excuse in the book. There has NOT been a lot of time for me to do things like laundry (thus the pic above). Since there really is no way to guarantee what nap time is going to be like these days, I feel like there is an adjustment coming to my daily routine. Again. 

6. In case you missed it, Lizzy walked this week. This is still rocking my world. 

7. We went to a birthday party today and Lizzy was taller than several other boys and girls who are all almost 2 or have just turned 2. I was amazed. 

8. I have a zillion other things to do tonight--including breaking a mess of beans and getting the rest of lunch ready. 

Here we go!!

P.S. I taught Jay what a "mess of beans" is while we were at the produce stand this week. He laughed the whole way home. So did I. :)

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