Jay is 3-and-a-half and Lizzy's 2--life is nonstop.
Spring has sprung all around us and while I hardly have time to complete a thought, let alone a blog post, I'm making myself sit down to make note of how much we've been doing lately and what we're up to.
SO here we go--spring so far....
I finally decided to use my sewing machine for the first time! Eight years after getting it for Christmas, I made two pillows!
We celebrated at Davis' Super Hero themed birthday.
I completed my second sewing project-capes for Jay and Lizzy.
Lizzy ran around saying "Super-Lizzy!!!" and "ZZZZOOOOMM!" and Jay actually wore his which was a pleasant surprise!
We celebrated Lizzy's 2nd birthday then kept Kelsey with us for the week. Jay had preschool, so we did a few girl things like picked out new nail polishes and gave ourselves late-night manis and pedis...and enjoyed a day at the zoo and played in the mud while Jay wasn't at school.
Lizzy and Jay both loved having Kelsey here.

Then we took off to Nashville to return our house guest and stayed the weekend with Mimi.
We checked out the Nashville Zoo this time with Mimi, CJ and KarKar in addition to Kelsey and the West kiddies.
Yes, that goat brush did eventually wind up in Lizzy's hair, despite every attempt to avoid the inevitable, it was in fact, inevitable. Yuck.
A visit to church and Nanny and Cece's rounded out our weekend.
Then it was back home. Silly kids. Happy to be out of the car!
We had Davis over for his first sleepover at our house. It was fun for everyone and a tad surprising that it went so smoothly.
(Did I mention that Joseph was out of town for this part??)
We've spent lots of time outside and enjoying the adventures of our yard, the creek and the treehouse.
We've also worked in the kitchen a lot. Since Jay gave up his nap at the beginning of February he and I are working together to explore every inch of our property and he's learning to help me cook dinner and bake. He's really learned lots over the past several weeks.
Just this week we made some simple sugar cookies, but I noticed that he can mix and add ingredients without making a total mess of things, which is real progress from where we started.
Lizzy is still such a joy. She is quite independent these days and wants to do everything Jay does. She is really a bit of a daredevil and you have to keep a keen eye and ear out at all times as she explores her boundaries. Its not uncommon to find her making a break for the treehouse the first chance she gets or to look up and find she's more than halfway up the ladder unassisted. It scares the stuffing out of me, but I am glad to see that she is able to hold her own.
Sweet Lizzy talks and sings all the time. She knows every word to every scene of Frozen and has started to play pretend. You'll find her taking care of babies and saying "I Miss Phiw-wips" (Jay's teacher) when she's in the playroom while Jay is at school.
And tonight we celebrated Weston's birthday by all going out to dinner at a local pizza place.
The kids had fun and may or may not have spent a zillion quarters in the game room!
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