Thursday, September 8, 2011

Because life is funny...

Since posting the results of our 1st week of the food challenge Jay has eaten:
6-7 chicken nuggets
2 entire packages of Banana Cream Pudding
10 French Fries
at least a gallon or two of Milk and Water
3 Soft Batch Cookies
1 Biscuit

Last Tuesday Jay spiked a fever, stopped eating all together, then broke out in a rash covering 1/2 his body, followed by major tummy troubles. After 9 days I am happy to report we are fever and bump free with a normal poop rotation.

So, maybe we will get back to the wholesome and balanced road sometime soon. I hope this virus-triggered hunger strike has not put an end to my great eater all together. I suppose only time will tell..

This is just another lesson in life's unpredictability and a testament to the fact that we're all only human. Oh, and you cannot force a 13 month old to eat. It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

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